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Try Something New

Gina Dinverno

2020 – a new year; a new decade, and so much excitement to restart and reenergize…and then the world was struck with a pandemic. Businesses closed and people became quarantined in their homes. I was determined to keep busy with my photography business in finalizing those administrative items I never had time to finish and to do some spring cleaning. I was gung-ho until my to-do list got shorter, then boredom set in. I even got tired of my electronic devices if you can imagine that?

I started getting up later, was less motivated to exercise, and was tired from doing very little every day. Inactivity breeds a lack of creativity, so I decided to design a project shoot that I have never done before. I would have to be the model and use the camera timer in order for me to get into the proper poses. I had done this before, and it is not easy. A lot of running back and forth while making minute changes to the camera angle and perfecting my poses to give me the look I wanted.

I believe that our stay at home quarantine in Michigan will last another couple of weeks, if not longer, and this project will probably take the next couple of weeks to get it right. In addition, the shoot I am creating is one that I want to offer to clients which I think they will love. And who knows I may learn a thing or two in the process like I did in my Easter Mini Session in 2019 (see photos). Once I am done, I will post photos to show my final product.

So, if you are starting to fall into the routine of boredom and feeling listless – try something new for yourself. It will pass the time, you may learn a new skill, and it may turn out to be something you continue after the quarantine and pandemic are a distant memory.

Photo 1 is of the 2019 Easter Mini Session project for children. What I learned is that I prefer photographing children outside with mother nature like Photo 2.

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